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Monday, September 18, 2006

Installing Eventum on Windows XP

A few weeks ago I posted and entry about installing the MySQL Eventum project on Mac OS X. Having successfully created an Eventum test environment on my Mac, I needed to install a production instance of it on a Windows XP VMware server. As it turns out, this process can prove rather difficult unless you follow the steps below.

Step 1: Install Apache 2.0

Installing Apache 2.0 is fairly straightforward. It is important to note that as of this post, the current version of PHP (5.1.6) does not yet support Apache 2.2. Save yourself some grief and load Apache 2.0.

Step 2: Install MySQL 5.0

Installing MySQL is the simplest of all the steps. No special configuration needs to be done. I would recommend installing the MySQL Tools also.

Step 3: Install PHP 5.1.6

I'm embarrassed to say that this turned out to be the most difficult step of the process...that is until I realized that this PHP version does not run with Apache 2.2. After installing PHP, you will need to modify the following:

  • httpd.conf. This file is found in your Apache folder. Add the following lines to the end of the file:
    # PHP
    LoadModule php5_module d:/php5.1.6/php5apache2.dll
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php-source .phps
    PHPIniDir "c:/php5.1.6" (or whatever directory you loaded php in)
  • php.ini. This file is found in your PHP folder. Add a doc_root line. It should look something like the following:
    doc_root ="C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs"
    Take the ";" (denotes a comment in PHP) from in front of the following lines:
If any of these lines do not exist, add them.

Step 4: Install Eventum

After you download Eventum, unzip it to the htdocs folder of your Apache installation. To start the installation process, go to your browser and type the URL of the Eventum site in the address line. It should look something like this: "//localhost/eventum-1.7.1/".

Once the installation is complete modify the following line in the file (found in the Eventum directory):





Best of luck! Let me know if you have any problems with this. R

Saturday, September 02, 2006

New Blog Format

Those of you who have visited before may have noticed a change in the format of my blog. Having grown weary of making java code examples fit within the confines of Blogger's supplied templates, I decided to create one that better suits my needs. While not necessarily the most aesthetically pleasing blog ever, it is more practical for showing code examples.

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