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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Darwin Streaming Server

A few months ago I began researching Java Media Framework and streaming. This research ultimately led me away from Java Media Framework to Apple's open source streaming server Darwin. After some experimentation, I've got Darwin up and running on Windows 2000. The biggest issue I've found is that Darwin's web based administration server interferes with the streams. No big deal really, just turn off web administration. If anyone has a solution to this problem, I'd love to hear about it.

If you would like to view a sample stream click here (Quicktime Player 7 is required). You should see a short video of me and some friends playing the song "In The Jailhouse Now" at my son's school. That's me on the left playing the banjo. Jamey Ratzlaff is playing the mandolin. Next to Jamey is James Cole singing and playing the guitar. And, next to James is Steve Dodson on the bass.

My apologies to Jimmy Rodgers and the creators of the "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" soundtrack. :-)



Anonymous said...

Hi Rick,

We're trying to get Darwin up and running on a windows 2000 server as well. We can't even get the server admin to start. We keep getting an error stating perl 5.8 is required, even though it is already installed.

Did you encounter this problem when installing Darwin Streaming Server on your Windows 2000 machine? If so, how did you work around it?


Rick said...

Sounds like a path problem. You may have to had the "\perl\bin" directory to path statement in your environment variables. An easy way to check this is to click "Start", then "Run", then type "cmd" and click the Enter key. At the command prompt, type "path" and click Enter. You should see the "perl\bin" directory in the path somewhere. If you see it and are still having problems, type "perl" at command prompt and click Enter. The cursor will probably move down to the next line. If it does, click "Ctrl-C". This should take you out of Perl and confirm that you have perl running on your machine.


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