Recently I wanted to find a way to export JTable data to Excel. I found an excellent example of how to do this in Swing Hacks by Joshusa Marinacci and Chris Adamson. The authors show an example of saving JTable data to a tab delimited file with a ".xls" extension. The file can then be opened by Excel and converted to a spreadsheet.
I liked their approach, but I also wanted to provide the capability to launch Excel with the file opened in it as I've seen in other applications. So, I added some code to create a JPopupMenu component with options for saving the data or opening in Excel.
I also wanted to keep Excel from converting product numbers (specifically ISBN numbers) to numeric data in the spreadsheet. The reason for this is that leading zeros can be part of an ISBN.
My example along with the Marinaccci's and Admanson's JTable to Excel code follows. One caveat, I offer no explanation of the authors' code. After all, it's in their book. For a complete explanation see Swing Hacks. It is an excellent book full of tricks that every Swing developer should have.
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class ExcelTest { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // An array of book titles and their associated ISBN numbers String [][] data = { {"Summerall","0785214925"}, {"The Secret Message of Jesus","084990000X"}, {"Buck Wild","159555064X"}, {"25 Ways to Win with People","0785260943"}, {"Aesop and the CEO ","0785260102"}, {"ALL Business is Show Business ","0785206086"}, {"Becoming A Person of Influence","0785271007"}, {"Checklist for Life for Leaders","0785260013"}, {"Duct Tape Marketing ","078522100X"}, {"38 Values to Live By ","0849916631"}, {"Blue Moon","0785260641"}, {"Blue Like Jazz ","9780785263708"}, {"Wild at Heart ","0785262989"}, {"Wild Men, Wild Alaska ","078521772X "}, {"The Duct Tape Bible, NCV","0718018249"} }; String [] headers = {"Title","ISBN"}; final JFrame frame = new JFrame("JTable to Excel Hack"); DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(data,headers); final JTable table = new JTable(model); JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(table); // my JPopupMenu component final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); // the save JMenuItem and its associated ActionListener JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("save to file"); save.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent action){ try { ExcelExporter exp = new ExcelExporter(); exp.exportTable(table, new File("results.xls")); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); popup.add(save); // The open JMenuItem and its associated ActionListener JMenuItem open = new JMenuItem("open in Excel"); open.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent action){ try { // Note that i'm actually saving the file first ExcelExporter exp = new ExcelExporter(); File file = new File("results1.xls"); exp.exportTable(table, file); ExcelOpener opn = new ExcelOpener(); opn.openTable(file); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } }); popup.add(open); // the following method only works in JDK 5.0 or greater // table.setComponentPopupMenu(popup); JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Right Click to Export Data...", JLabel.CENTER); // the following code is needed for JDK 1.4 table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event){ if(popup.isPopupTrigger(event)){, event.getX(),event.getY()); } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event){ if(popup.isPopupTrigger(event)){, event.getX(),event.getY()); } } }); frame.getContentPane().add("Center",scroll); frame.getContentPane().add("South",label1); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } } class ExcelExporter { public ExcelExporter() {} public void exportTable(JTable table, File file) throws IOException { TableModel model = table.getModel(); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(file); for(int i=0; i < model.getColumnCount();i++) { out.write(model.getColumnName(i)+"\t"); } out.write("\n"); for(int i=0; i < model.getRowCount();i++){ for(int j=0;j < model.getColumnCount();j++){ // I added this check for the ISBN conversion if(j==0) { // the book Title out.write(model.getValueAt(i,j).toString() + "\t"); } else { /* the ISBN Number Note that I added a \" to the front of the string and a \t followed by a closing \" to let Excel know that this field is to be converted as text */ out.write("\""+model.getValueAt(i, j).toString()+"\t"+"\""); } } out.write("\n"); } out.close(); System.out.println("write to " + file); } } class ExcelOpener { public ExcelOpener() {} public void openTable(File file) throws IOException { Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime(); // I make the assumption that the client has Excel and // the file type .XLS is associated with Excel // This is a simple check to find out the operating system String lcOSName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); boolean MAC_OS_X = lcOSName.startsWith("mac os x"); if(MAC_OS_X){ run.exec("open "+ file); } else { run.exec("cmd.exe /c start " + file); } System.out.println(file + " opened"); } }
I like the idea, but the implementation doesn't quite work right.
Thanks for the help though.
What problems are you having? I've tested this on both the PC and the Mac and had no issues.
where is the excelOpener class?
Sorry for the confusion, I've made some changes to the blog and it looks like part of the java code was deleted. I'll correct and repost.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
public class ExcelTest {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// An array of book titles and their associated ISBN numbers
String [][] data = {
{"The Secret Message of Jesus","084990000X"},
{"Buck Wild","159555064X"},
{"25 Ways to Win with People","0785260943"},
{"Aesop and the CEO ","0785260102"},
{"ALL Business is Show Business ","0785206086"},
{"Becoming A Person of Influence","0785271007"},
{"Checklist for Life for Leaders","0785260013"},
{"Duct Tape Marketing ","078522100X"},
{"38 Values to Live By ","0849916631"},
{"Blue Moon","0785260641"},
{"Blue Like Jazz ","9780785263708"},
{"Wild at Heart ","0785262989"},
{"Wild Men, Wild Alaska ","078521772X "},
{"The Duct Tape Bible, NCV","0718018249"}
String [] headers = {"Title","ISBN"};
final JFrame frame = new JFrame("JTable to Excel Hack");
DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(data,headers);
final JTable table = new JTable(model);
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(table);
// my JPopupMenu component
final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu();
// the save JMenuItem and its associated ActionListener
JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("save to file");
ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent action){
try {
ExcelExporter exp = new ExcelExporter();
exp.exportTable(table, new File("results.xls"));
catch (IOException ex) {
// The open JMenuItem and its associated ActionListener
JMenuItem open = new JMenuItem("open in Excel");
ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent action){
try {
// Note that i'm actually saving the file first
ExcelExporter exp = new ExcelExporter();
File file = new File("results1.xls");
exp.exportTable(table, file);
ExcelOpener opn = new ExcelOpener();
catch (IOException ex) {
// the following method only works in JDK 5.0 or greater
// table.setComponentPopupMenu(popup);
JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Right Click to Export Data...", JLabel.CENTER);
// the following code is needed for JDK 1.4
table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event){
if(popup.isPopupTrigger(event)){, event.getX(),event.getY());
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event){
if(popup.isPopupTrigger(event)){, event.getX(),event.getY());
class ExcelExporter {
public ExcelExporter() {}
public void exportTable(JTable table, File file) throws IOException {
TableModel model = table.getModel();
FileWriter out = new FileWriter(file);
for(int i=0i < model.getcolumncount();i++)
for(int i=0; i < model.getRowCount();i++){
for(int j=0;j < model.getColumnCount();j++){
// I added this check for the ISBN conversion
if(j==0) {
// the book Title
out.write(model.getValueAt(i,j).toString() + "\t");
} else {
the ISBN Number
Note that I added a \" to the front of the string
and a \t followed by a closing \" to let Excel know
that this field is to be converted as text
out.write("\""+model.getValueAt(i, j).toString()+"\t"+"\"");
System.out.println("write to " + file);
class ExcelOpener {
public ExcelOpener() {}
public void openTable(File file) throws IOException {
Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
// I make the assumption that the client has Excel and
// the file type .XLS is associated with Excel
// This is a simple check to find out the operating system
String lcOSName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
boolean MAC_OS_X = lcOSName.startsWith("mac os x");
run.exec("open "+ file);
} else {
run.exec("cmd.exe /c start " + file);
System.out.println(file + " opened");
hi the above code is not working actually i am a fresher now i want to practise how to import and export the data from Java using JFrames
please someone help me,
my email id is
copy the code now and try it again. it should work fine.
I try your code rick...and it doesnt work....
You'll have to give me more information than that. What specifically is not working?
sorry was a confusion...but I have a few questions..Im developing a consist in create a spreadsheet of excel in java, I've been trying different API'S to export data from excel(with macros) to my JTable and it didn't work I saw your code and it really give me a after all the explanation.
Refering to your code...
1.- how can I change the number of columns..I'll tried and I just receive a lot or errors at the output.
2.- How can I add a JMenu Bar (I post the code in the next lines)
protected JMenuBar createMenuBar() {
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
JMenu mFile = new JMenu("File");
JMenuItem mData = new JMenuItem("Retrieve Data...");
ActionListener lstData = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JMenuItem mExit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
ActionListener lstExit = new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JMenu mView = new JMenu("View");
TableColumnModel model = m_table.getColumnModel();
for (int k = 0; k < StockTableData.m_columns.length; k++) {
JCheckBoxMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(
TableColumn column = model.getColumn(k);
item.addActionListener(new ColumnKeeper(column,
return menuBar;
Great code...worked like a dream!
Liked the idea... Initially thought "do i have to use Apache POI for writing the data to Excel" :-) Thanks
Works awesome for me!
Thank you, Rick for sharing this with us.
thanks Rick, ur code solved my requirement...
Thanks alot
Hy Rick!
Thank you for your code!
But, unfortunatelly is doesn't works.
You made a little mistake:
Your code is:
out.write("\""+table.getValueAt(i, j).toString()+"\t"+"\"");
but this writes something like this:
"xyz \t"
and you need this:
So the correct code is:
out.write("\""+table.getValueAt(i, j).toString()+"\""+"\t");
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