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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Becoming A Coaching Leader

I've just finished an excellent book, Becoming a Coaching Leader, by Daniel Harkavy. Daniel is CEO of Building Champions, Inc., a company dedicated to building and improving leadership skills. Daniel's approach to coaching your team for the highest individual and group performance is excellent. I can't wait to start applying the material.

To be fair, I need to let you know that Thomas Nelson, my employer, published this book. We publish a lot of great leadership books, starting with the Bible. I also need to let you know that I have just become a client of Building Champions. Reading the book, researching the website, and talking with Building Champions convinced me that I want to improve my leadership skills, as well as those of my team. So, I signed up.

If you're a leader, you may be like me and are constantly looking for ways to improve and refine your skills, consider adding Becoming a Coaching Leader to your leadership library.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Rick! I am pleased to read your encouraging words about our book and coaching company. I am confident that if you apply what is outlined in the book with the help of your coach, the value you bring to your team as a leader will catapult!
Daniel Harkavy

Rick said...

Your welcome Daniel. I'm definitely applying the principles you teach to my team.

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