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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Even More Java Media Framework

I'm taking the week off to spend Spring break with my family. Hopefully as you are reading this, we're tooling around the Indiana countryside on dirt bikes, fishing, exploring caves, or just hiking in the woods.

I'm also working on a little Java project while I'm out of the office. I can't tell you much about it yet (don't want to spoil the surprise), but it involves JMF and other Java APIs. By the way, I discussed this project with my wife and kids and they think it is really "geeky".

More about it later this week. Until then have a great week -Rick.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Tonight I set up a JMF server on my home network and broadcast a MPEG1 file both as unicast and multicast. I set up a JMStudio player to pick up the audio/video streams. I have to admit it was pretty choppy when I connected to it wirelessly. I connected to it via ethernet cable and it was much better...not as good as a commercial streaming server, but good enough for my nefarious purposes (insert maniacal laughter here).

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